In 2017, Sawa portrayed the role of Nico Jackson in Somewhere Between the show ended after one season. In July 2012, he was promoted to series regular in the third season of Nikita the show ended after four seasons in 2013.
In 2010, Sawa portrayed the role of Owen Elliott on The CW action drama series Nikita. Sawa continued to work steadily in the 2000s and appeared in several independent films, including Extreme Dating, Shooting Gallery, Devil's Den, Creature Of Darkness, Endure, 388 Arletta Avenue, The Philly Kid, and A Resurrection. Sawa later did voice acting, voicing Flash Thompson in Spider-Man: The New Animated Series. In 2000, Sawa played the title character of the Eminem music video ' Stan'. Sawa also appeared in the films Wild America, Idle Hands, and Final Destination.
In Now and Then, Sawa played the town bully, Scott Wormer.
He made his film debut in Little Giants in 1994 and received wide recognition for playing the title role as a human boy in Casper the following year. Sawa began his career in 1992 as a children's action toy spokesman. His father is Polish, and his mother is 'a little bit of everything'. Sawa was born on September 7, 1978, in Vancouver, the son of Joyce and Edward Sawa, a mechanic.